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Baby Shower Game-
baby shower gameBABY BINGO!

A fun baby shower game is baby gift bingo. Simply use our free printable bingo boards by clicking on the link below. Print out as many copies as you need (there are two boards per paper-cut paper in half.)

Have everyone fill in all the squares with a gift they think will be received by the guest of honor. The gift description must be specific. Simply writing "infant clothes" is not acceptable. They must put something like - onsie, sweater, dress, booties, etc.

The guests cross off the item when it is opened by the mother-to-be. When someone gets five items in a row crossed off, vertically, diagonally, or horizontally, they yell "Bingo".

You can choose to keep going with the game until all the gifts are opened. That way the interest is kept up through out the gift opening.

On the slight chance that no one gets bingo by the time the gifts are opened, then the guest with the most correct blocks, wins.

Supply a small prize for the winner(s).

Needed Items for this Game:

*Options: Use stickers -pink, blue, or baby shapes for denoting when an item is "crossed off".

Have Fun!

For the free printable game board of: rattle for baby shower gameBABY BINGO, click here.


Baby Shower Tea Party


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