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BabyShower Invitation

You can make this babyshower invitation that resembles a diaper. We used
fun polka dots and stripes to go with our combination Garden Party Tea
and Baby Shower

baby shower invitation idea1. First make the card (we used different styles that came in a 4 x 6 pack),

This card (to the left) does not
have the vellum inserted yet.

2. Next lay the vellum paper with the information on top of the card (the clear vellum will allow you to see through to the card).

baby shower invitation

3. Then insert into a bright envelope (the envelope to the right has stickers on for the mother's keepsake book).



What you need to make this invitation:

  • Card stock - Which is a heavier paper that can be bought in different sizes, colors, and designs. It comes in sheets or in a pack and can be found at craft stores, office suppliers or online stores.
  • Craft Scissors - Such as a scalloped shape pair.
  • Ribbon - Choose a contrasting ribbon to your card stock. (Grosgrain is a
    good choice.)
  • Vellum Printer Paper - choose the paper (inkjet or lazer) that is formulated for your printer type.
  • Optional - Embellishments, Stickers, buttons, etc. - found at scrapbooking or craft stores.


For the card invitation template, click here.

For the information insert, click here.
To print: Save to your computer, adjust printer settings if needed (check print preview), print, and cut ( four per sheet).


Related pages:
Tea Party Invitations
Thank You Cards


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