Tea Games Fashion Flair -
a fun fashion game

Tea Games Fashion Flair is a fun fashion game you can play during your tea party.

Fashion Flair Tea Party Game


Printable Party Game Includes:

Customized Game and Professional    Graphics

Game, plus Directions, and
Answer Key (if needed)

Delivered by email for Quick Use

Unlimited Usage–never expires

In the past, dressing for tea time was taken very seriously. Whether you were invited to tea at a friend’s house, going out to a tea room in a fine hotel, or attending a tea dance, a lot of importance was placed on looking your best.

Women, as well as men gave important attention to what they wore on their heads, placed on their feet, and everything in between.

So, dust off your top hat, don your shirtwaist and let’s see how knowledgeable you are about "yesteryears" fashions!

Printable games = instant fun! 


Directions for playing tea games Fashion Flair:

Can be played individually or as teams. 

 * Print a  game grid for each guest and one page of the answer key to have ready for the start of the game.   Set the timer for 4.5 minutes. 

 * Start the timer.
Choose the fashionable word below that you believe matches the description

 * After time is up review the descriptions and reveal the correct match from the answer key. Have guests mark their papers and whoever has the most correct answers wins the tea game.  


1. Ascot  - Men’s neckband with wide pointed ends

2. Passementerie Gown  - A dress with elaborate trimmings or      edgings.

3. Duster - Large coat worn when riding in the motor car.


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