Tea Parties:
Four Seasons of Teatime Party Ideas!

Tea  Party Ideas ebook


Get this Free eBook when you join our
“ TeaTimes” eZine!


This eBook has everything you need to host a years’ worth of charming teatimes!

Here’s what you get…

Four complete Teatime Party Themes – one for each season

Invitations -Ideas and Wording

FREE Printable Autumn Invitation

Decoration Ideas

Four theme menus

FREE recipes

Teatime Party Games

Craft Ideas and instructions


Do you love tea parties but need some good party ideas to get you started? Not sure how to word your invitations or how to come up with a creative theme?

This ebook makes it easy for you by providing four unique teatime party themes- one for each season. Use the menus and recipes to set an inviting and tasty tea table. Get ideas and suggestions for invitations, games and crafts. -- A complete year of tea time, all ready for you and your guests to enjoy.

Simply join our idea-filled, free teatime party newsletter (eZine),the "Tea Times" and receive the download for this free ebook! Sign up below...

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Four Seasons of Tea Party Ideas



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"4 Seasons of
Tea Parties

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