Tea Parties



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Share Your Recipe

Do you have an original recipe that you would like to share with others? Perhaps it's a variation on a scone recipe that you discovered by adding a little something extra, or you have a way to beautifully decorate a cake or a totally unique tea food.
Everyone can benefit from each other's ideas and inspiration.

All submitted recipes and photos may not be copied from any other source.Please make sure that your recipe is not already on our site or that it is different enough from similar recipes to warrent a listing. You can submit as many recipes as you like.

teapot silhouetteIf you have a whole tea party to share, including menu, theme, game, decorations, etc, click here.
teapot silhouetteIf you have a tea party tip, craft, invitation or game to share (not a
recipe), click here.

Have A Delicious Tea Party Recipe to Share?

Go ahead! Share your special tea party recipe with us. We can't wait to try it!

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To receive credit as the author, enter your information below.

(first or full name)

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Submit Your Contribution

 submission guidelines.

(You can preview and edit on the next page)

In sending us your tea party theme,ideas and photos you grant
Tea Party Circle.com permission to republish, edit or use
said content in any and all media whatsoever.

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